Monday, August 21, 2006

Garbage in, garbage out

Guess who's discovered the trash can? Joe. Sigh. Fortunately, there wasn't anything more dangerous in there than a toothpaste box, Kleenex, and a magazine.

She's also discovered the joys of jumping in the dirty clothes hamper, trying to climb the fake ficus (the fake-us), and attempting to sneak into the clothes dryer -- God help us all.

All this bad behavior is allowing Joe to get well-acquainted with her new arch-nemesis: The Spray Bottle of Punishment (TSBoP). I fully expect a kitten vs. water battle around here any day now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

im so proud of myself, i take awesome pictures - also; joes new name is now - squeaky terror kitty!

10:07 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Our smaller cat enjoys knocking things off the nightstand. Early this morning it was a half full plastic water bottle, which luckily had the cap on.

7:45 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Oh, and why don't you recycle cardboard and magazines, huh???

9:07 AM  

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