Monday, August 07, 2006

Classic Paulisms #1

And now, the inauguration of a weekly post I shall call "Classic Paulisms."
Q: Who plays the Pinball Wizard in the 1975 movie musical Tommy?
A: Elton John
Paul's Answer: Fred Savage

Q: What pop singer's 1999 gastric bypass surgery was broadcast live on the Internet?
A: Carnie Wilson
Paul's Answer: Michael Vandross (A few seconds later, he said, "Wait! I meant Luther Vandross! I couldn't think of his first name!!" Then he looked so crushed when we told him Luther Vandross wasn't a pop singer.)

Q: (During a series of questions themed around ice, ice skating, etc.) Which rap artist was born O'Shea Jackson?
A: Ice Cube
Paul's Answer: P. Diddy

Q: The final scene of what 2001 movie, starring Jon Favreau and Vince Vaughn, takes place in a Chuck E. Cheese's?
A: Made
Paul's Answer: Reservoir Dogs

He's so intelligent, and yet there are times when he makes me feel so smart. :-)


Blogger GC said...

How far back do I have to read to know who paul is?

8:21 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Post numero uno, I guess. He's my husband, an analytical chemist and all-around smart dude ... and a really really sucky trivia player.

8:26 PM  
Blogger Johanna said...

The fact that Fred Savage was born in 1976 makes that all the more humorous.

Oh, and I'd forgotten about Michael Vandross!

4:06 AM  

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