Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Turn your head and cough

For the second time in four months, I have a sinus infection. Bummer. A few years ago, my ENT found a cyst in my left sinus. He said if it didn't flare up, I might never need to get it removed. But now my sinuses are interfering with my asthma, and the doctor I saw today told me I might want to ask the ENT about removing the cyst. Again, bummer.

Got two Z-Paks to knock out the infection, Bidex for congestion, a new albuterol inhaler, plus a sinus cocktail shot and a breathing treatment with the nebulizer because I was wheezing like nobody's business. Bah.

Ooh ooh! But I'd lost 21 pounds since I was last at the doctor! That has to count for something, right?


Blogger FF said...

Congratulations on the 21 lbs!!! That is the best news!

10:26 PM  

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