Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sleepy Sunday afternoon

Ah, Sunday afternoon. It's been pretty relaxing so far -- lots of Forensic Files and Court TV, lunch with the in-laws, etc. I bought a swank new watch with a compass and a hydrometer, and Jo and Matt came over last night for games.

The problem is that, as well as the weekend's going, I still feel like crap. The Minor Med doc I saw Tuesday told me if I didn't feel better in three days, I needed to see my primary care doctor. Problem is my PCP skipped town in June without warning, so I am doctorless at the moment (as are my parents, Paul, and his parents and brother).

This morning was the worst. I was up pretty late -- 3 a.m., I think -- and I woke up feeling like I might cough and wheeze to death. I have a second round of antibiotics I start Tuesday, so we'll see if that knocks out the infection.

Well, that was a really long-winded way of apologizing for not posting in a few days. It's not that I don't lurve my blog any more; I'm just not feeling like doing much of anything. Maybe I brought this on myself by going back to work when the doctor told me to take two sick days. Now I feel stupid for not just doing what she told me to do. :(

Somebody got a good chicken soup recipe? One a chemist can follow?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is it wrong that whenever i see the letters PCP - i think drugs? Like, PCP laced weed? (shudder at the thought of that)

5:50 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Good chicken soup recipe: Open can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup, pour into pot. Add a can of water, then cook on medium til heated all the way through.

(Hey,you asked for easy, not necessarily HOMEMADE.)

11:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there a small problem with campbell's soup - they are all FULL of sodium, i wish more companies started using less salts and msg

10:34 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Man, what's up with August this year? You and De are sick, and I was out Friday with a cold (and was feeling bad this morning too, but had too much work to do so I came in anyway...).

Are we passing germs around on the internet?

2:53 PM  

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