Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So, Kate WANTED to post, but i won't let her.

You see, i have to "write" a ~40 page paper. So i had to commandeer the laptop. But i think we are going to be rectifying the situation this weekend during the tax holiday. Wal-mart has a pretty good deal on a "modern" laptop - and i have been wanting a faster, newer one for a bit for dissertation.

Oh yeah, this was Paul, not Kate, i didn't feel like logging in. I'm kind of lazy like that.

[Edit from Kate: I took the laptop back from Paul. He opted to not work on his paper tonight in favor of watching a documentary on The History Channel about pistachios. Yes, there's a whole documentary on pistachios ... and Paul just called them "terror nuts," whatever that means.]


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Terror nuts? I guess I should have watched the documentary.

2:18 AM  

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