Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Doctors, babies, and Elvis ... All in one post!

51 days 'til Destin. 51 days. I think if I focus on, you know, happy things then I won't think so much about being sick. I went to an internist yesterday to see if he could fix me. He put me on Prednisone, plus a new decongestant and a couple of asthma maintenance drugs. He also gave me a pneumonia vaccine and took some baseline bloodwork.

About 20 minutes after I left, I got a voicemail from the nurse. "We have the results of one of your blood tests back, and I need you to call me right away." Yeah, that's not good. I called her back and she said that my white count was about double what it should be. Bad bad bad. So she called in a couple more days of steroids and reminded me to finish my antibiotic. I feel like crap. But I've got work to finish, so I'm dragging myself to work despite my better judgment.

Yeah, 51 days until my 10-day beach vacation. :-) Be jealous.

Ooh ooh! I'm planning a baby shower. This is new (scary) territory for me. I'm not much of a fan of going to showers, so finding myself planning one ... alone ... is kind of strange. It's for a former coworker who's having her baby in October, so it's going to be a Friday after-work thing in the back room of my favorite coffeehouse. You know, it's not so much that I'm worried about my planning ability, but I still feel the need to confirm every step with at least one other coworker: "Is this a stupid idea?"

I'm sure over the next couple of weeks, I'll be blogging about the shower -- e.g. Do my invitations suck? Look at it this way: You'll be vicariously planning a shower with me! Isn't that exciting?!

P.S. The Elvis vigil is tonight. Watch the GracelandCams online or listen to the vigil on SIRIUS.


Blogger smacky said...

Sorry you're still feeling poorly. Will there be games at this shower, or just crepe paper, gifts, and a sheetcake?

7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im hoping for things like - "horseshoes on the pregnant chicks legs because she cant bend down to prevent it" type of game, that would be pretty damn funny.

Also - dont confirm crap with anyone, just do it - then if they complain, be all like, "Oh no you di'nt, i had to SLAVE AWAY TO PLAN THIS PARTY, i dont see you planning one (complete with z-finger wag)"

Take it from me, its a sure fire way to success! ^_^

2:25 PM  
Blogger De said...

I celebrated Elvis Death Day with a screening of Bubba Ho-tep. Nothing like watch the King of Rock and Roll take on a mummy to pay tribute.

9:06 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Oh yeah, was this vigil to see if he was going to return from the grave? How many people down there do you imagine secretly hope for that?

Zombie Elvis would rule!

9:21 AM  

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