Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cincy and a riddle

This is Cincy. When she's not playing with The Neckbeards, she's on a solo world tour (right now, she's in London). She writes none of her own songs, but has a strong repertoire of A- and B-sides from yesterday's and today's top vocalists.

Also, she has really cool bangs. Man, that's something I wish I'd done when I was in college: Dye my hair an insanely cute color like Matthew did. Sooo cute!

Cincy has made more than $6,000 on her world tour, picking up roughly $100 to $200 a song. Also -- and I'm not sure how this works -- she picks up new clothes with each song, such as gloves or the cute corset set that you can't really see in the picture to the left.

A friend and I have been trading riddles the past couple of days, and I've managed to stump him with this one. Do you know the answer? If you do, don't post it, but leave a comment that you know what it is. First one to message me with the right answer gets gushing e-praise.
Two men are on trial for robbery. One is cleared of the charges; the other is found guilty. The convict is brought into the court room on sentencing day, and the judge tells him, "Though you have been found guilty, I must set aside your prison sentence. You are now a free man." Why?
If no one gets it, I'll give a couple of clues in my next post.


Blogger smacky said...

Every time I click on one of your Picasa links, it goes to the same pic of you and paul. It's cute and all, but I feel like I've been Rickrolled!

11:12 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Poop. I was hoping to remote host some pics. Will go back to putting them on my site. Will have the Matthew link fixed shortly.

Again: poop. :(

12:02 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Hey, I think I know the answer to your riddle...

1:41 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

I almost forgot the gushing e-praise! Angrygrrface, you rock AND roll. Good job. ^_^

8:24 AM  

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