Friday, April 18, 2008

And our birthdays aren't for another month

Early birthday gift from little bro-in-law: half of an Xbox 360. (If that link shows a pic of Paul and me, reload.)

Matthew first brought up the idea when he drove over to borrow our blender last month. (How many stories start out like that?) "We don't need another console," I mumbled, hunched over a bag of beads, trying to label this and that. And it's true. ... We really don't need another console. Our entertainment center and the table in front of it are littered with a PS, PS2, GC, Wii, DDR pad, plus games and controllers for each. The NES gets its own TV and lives in the room next door.

"But if you get an Xbox, you can play with me from Charleston!" Aww! I thought that was pretty sweet -- he hasn't really indicated he's going to miss us much -- but I didn't expect him to follow through on the offer.

And when I got home from work last night, Paul met me at the car, beaming. He'd bought Rock Band. Rock Band! For real! We had intended to eat dinner, but we played for, seriously, like three hours. Our band is named The Neckbeards. My character, Cincy, is the lead singer. She has pink and green ponytails, a look I so wish I could pull off. Paul's character, Buffalo, looks like a cross between He-Man and a glam rocker and plays a mean guitar. We're still looking for a drummer. Where does one go to find a drummer?

Hopefully the guys are right and this will bridge the miles (and maybe make me a little less lonely) when we move.

I guess Matthew can keep the blender.


Blogger smacky said...

Well, Kiss found their drummer Peter Criss after seeing the ad he placed in Rolling Stone: "Drummer willing to do anything to make it."

So I guess check Craigslist?


9:21 AM  

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