Sunday, April 06, 2008

Storming the Alamo

38 games down, one to go. Tomorrow night is the NCAA Championships: Memphis vs. Kansas. The Tigers can pull this off, even if our star freshman eats too much junk food. Derrick Rose and Paul have so much in common -- pizza, Twizzlers, sour straws -- except Paul doesn't work out five hours a day and isn't nearly as good as basketball. (But I love him anyway!)

I've spent much of the weekend with pliers in hand (round-nose in my left, chain-nose in my right -- and now you know), which is a fine way to while away time and keep stress at bay. After a week of wire-wrapping practice marbles, I finally (!) got eight marbles from Matt. Actually, to be specific, Matt put eight marbles in a baggie (glass marbles ... in a baggie ...), then gave the baggie to his brother, who wrapped it in an old Wall Street Journal and popped it in the mail for me. I was kind of disappointed it was a WSJ; when I get something wrapped in newspaper -- which isn't often, as I don't get nearly as many packages as I'd like -- I like to uncrinkle it and read the local news. I already read WSJ, so it takes the fun out of it for me.

The marbles are beautiful. Lots of pretty colors.

My hands are killing me, but I've finished two. Pics here.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

I know I was just supposed to be looking at the marble pictures, but how adorable are you? I love the red hair.

The marbles look great, too :)

12:43 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Memphis SO better win this. I'm tired of hearing "Kansas, Kansas, blah blah blah!"

And the marbles are beautiful.

9:03 PM  

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    Cross-dressing, kind of
    Next-to-last bracket update: I'm smokin' Paul
    To E (A: B.B. King’s Blues Club)
    Your five ain't even better than our bench
    Gettin' NOSty
    Marbles, music, March Madness
    To E (... again)
    To E (A: Graceland!)
    Goodbye, winter ...
    Proud Mary keep on burning