Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mind over (gray?) matter

For a couple of days every month, plus one full week every quarter, I take off my editing cap and become a number-cruncher. But between the SQL and the spreadsheets and the problem-solving ... well, my brain feels like mush at the end of the day. And it's only Tuesday morning! :-)

No, I'm kidding. It is hard work, but it's hard work I love to do. And I enjoy the analysis. In fact, I'm schedule to attend a seminar on deciphering corporate financial statements -- yet another way to flex the non-wordy half of my brain.

Speaking of brain, Paul and I bought Big Brain Academy, one of the $20 games in Nintendo's Touch Generations line. It's like a more advanced version of Brain Age, the "train your brain" adult game that's been all over the news lately. The game measures your smarts in grams -- the heavier your brain, the smarter you are. My brain is ~1275 grams, particularly strong in computation and memorization and rather weak in identification. Overall, I received a B+ with my brain categorized as "museum curator." Paul's brain was ~950g, strong in computation and analysis and weak in thinking (ha ha). He got a C and was "investor."

Weak in thinking. I'm not going to let him live that down.


Blogger smacky said...

Ouch. If your brain is weak in thinking doiesn't that sort of hinder all activities in the brain? Maybe he has an especially developed lizard-like brain stem, and the non-thinking, inuitive part of his brain is great at playing SIMON or pinball.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


im just not the greatest at thinking about stuff in 60 secs, something i would like to point out that i never really have to do.

You see, i can get up and bullshit around for a min, while i try to come up with ONE answer, much less like, 20.

Hell, the question and answer session i did for my prospectus was like 45 min, with maybe 10 questions, certainly nothing rapid fire like brain age.

But i can think fast, but just on stuff i VERY familiar with.

10:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also - my 950g sez that i get mah phd so nyah nyah nyah

oh and pbbbfffftt

10:21 PM  

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