Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yogi Bear never really did yoga, did he?

Man, I am tired. When I woke up this morning, my first thought was, "Is it Monday already?" When I realized it was favorite-day-of-the-week Thursday, I felt a little better ... but why did I think I'd slept through the entire weekend? Strange.

Little Miss Very-Open-Hips is returning to yoga practice. Hard to justify not going, since the company pays for an outcall yogini to come to the office to teach us at a time we choose. This time around, I've tricked two unsuspecting coworkers (including one who shares a first and last name with a Swedish horse) to attending lessons with yogini Tedrah. Cool, huh?

I've also been sucked into a throw-down, no-holds-barred UNO match with a couple of college friends, Matt and Johanna. That's what we used to do for fun. Oh, and then there was the other copy editor with whom I'd play some killer Scrabble matches. The chance to duke it out with another wordhound over a Scrabble board? Hells yeah -- I'd jump on it faster than you could say "triple word score."

Yoga and UNO. Asanas and Wild Draw Fours. What have I gotten myself into??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have gotten yourself into downward facing dog and uh....infinite draw two/reverse loops!

10:13 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

If you could play UNO at the same time that you were doing yoga, that would be awesome.

I used to make my soccer team practice yoga during training, but the coach got all pissed off "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE LIFTING WEIGHTS!"

1:03 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

wordgames am fun... but MATH games am funner!!!

4:00 AM  

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