Friday, June 30, 2006

A President, a Prime Minister, and The King walk into a bar...

President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi were in my neck of the woods today. Graceland, civil rights, barbecue. Yep... that's the quintessential Memphis experience. Oh, and they served fried peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches on Air Force One. So classy. :)

I wish I hadn't been tied down to the office and had been able to be part of the media feeding frenzy. Koizumi seems like a fairly rock star-esque kind of guy, and it would've been cool to see him in person. However, as The Flyer points out, only four media reps were allowed with the official touring party, and nobody — including little ol' me — received a full itinerary until Thursday morning.

So I rushed to jump through a few governmental hoops to get open press credentials for one of my reporters, and he came back with some great shots — err, photos. I make the distinction because said reporter forwarded an e-mail from one of his former editors which read, "And for God's sake, don't tell people you're going to shoot the president. Always say 'photograph.' Just trying to help out."


Blogger Monstee said...

"...and here are the President and Prime Minister now, coming out of Graceland. The Prime Minister seem pleased and President Bush looks a little confused on which way to go. Obviously conferring with his aid on the location of the next event. Some big fans are shouting at the President from behind the barricade. Oh, and he throws them a nice smile and wave. Now the Prime Minster seems confused. I'm not sure buy it almost seems that neither of the men were expecting the tour to end so quickly. Yes, They are questioning the tour guide and motioning back at the building. I cant quite read their lips but it looks like they might be saying "Jungle room." Their heading back inside now, wait... They stop to wave at the crowd and... THERE'S A FLASH ON THE RIGHT! AND ANOTHER!! HE DUCKS! THE PRESIDENT DUCKS!! HE'S BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, PRESIDENT BUSH HAS JUST BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED IN THE HEAD! Oh my God! Secret service has the man down. There's kicking... Chaos in the crowd... THERE'S ANOTHER FLASH ON THE LEFT!! IS IT... NO! THE PRIME MINISTER HAS ALSO NOW BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED. His hands are up... ANOTHER FLASH!! THE PRIME MINISTER HAS BEEN PHOTOGRAPHED IN THE CHEST! OH good lord! Ladies and gentlemen we are being forced back by the crowd... but we will continue to... MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!! ...we will continue to bring you coverage on the Presidents photographing... They're moving them inside now... We're going to try to get a better view, lets go back to Greg in to studio, Greg."

3:32 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

That's some great advice. I might have to put that on my christmas cards this year.

5:35 PM  

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