Saturday, July 08, 2006

Have you ever had this verbal exchange with your boss?

This commercial was so eyebrow-raising that I had to pause the TiVo, rewind, and transcribe the whole thing. It loses something in the translation, but come on... really...
Angry Boss (who yells through the whole commercial): What is it, Bob?!

Clueless Bob: You can take this job...

Angry Boss: ...Yeah, yeah, yeah, you take this job and shove it, blah blah blah. So you're quitting, huh?

Clueless Bob: Yep, I'm gonna be my own boss!

Angry Boss: You're gonna be your own boss. What do you know about being your own boss, Mr. Entrepreneur?

Clueless Bob: Uhhh...

Angry Boss: Gonna buy a business? Start from scratch? How about start-up money? Do you even know where to get start-up money?

Clueless Bob: Uh, my brother...

Angry Boss: Got a plan? A program? A mentor, Bob? You can't be your own boss without them!

Clueless Bob: I can't?

Angry Boss: You're pathetic. You need Entrepreneur of the Year Bruce A. Berman's book and CD. It's called "I Got Here, You Can Too." Want to be rich, Bob?

Clueless Bob: That's the idea!

Angry Boss: Then you gotta buy his book and CD! It shows exactly how Burman made a fortune being his own boss and you can too. Wanna start making money now, Bob?

Clueless Bob: Uh-huh! Suuuure!

Bruce A. Berman: Thanks, guys. I'm Bruce A. Berman. If you want to make five, 10, even $15,000 a month right now from the comfort of your own home, then you don't have to buy my book. I'll give you a free copy of my book and my "Making Money" CD. Together, they're over $100 value. This limited time offer is available only on my website below. (I assume random URLs are posted based on the TV market and/or demographic.) So go to my website now.
Here's the funny part. I went to his site. (Don't worry -- I'm going to run Ad-Aware and Spybot posthaste.) The Terms of Use, in part, reads:
How it works, "I am so confident that you will become a loyal user of my other products that I am giving you my best selling book, "I GOT HERE. YOU CAN TOO!®" my "Making Money" CD and my just released eBay® Instant Income CD, all three for FREE. You just help by paying a small refundable shipping and handling fee. ...(snip)... At the end of the 30 days if you decide to keep the rest of the program, do nothing and your credit card will conveniently be billed only one payment of just $99.90. That's an incredible value for these fine products. I have helped thousands of people and businesses achieve their financial goals and I am so convinced that I can help you, I am giving you two of my fine products for free."
Oy oy oy. Sign me up. @_@


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think he forgot that xerox copiers and CD burners exist in this day and age

3:55 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I bet you have to call them back exactly 30 days later, down to the minute, to return it.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Work at home, be you own boss!!

1) Write book about how to work at home and be you own boss.

2) Sell mass produced copies of you bullshit to mindless drones that dont know know better and but in sneaky catch to get extra $$$$!

12:10 AM  

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