Wednesday, March 26, 2008

To E (... again)

E, You sound frustrated. I'm sorry. >_<;
Here goes:
I’ll write you in rhyme
It isn’t too formal
And for better or worse
It kind of feels normal!

An aside now: At work
One day long ago
I spoke completely in haiku
To see if anyone would know
(They didn’t.)

Your riddles aren’t easy
(Well, the last was a bit)
But I print out each clue
And mull over it.

Sometimes it takes
Hours, you see,
Then the lightbulb goes off
And I’m so proud of me!
(Then I take it to coworkers
And sometimes to Paul
And they say it was easy,
No struggle at all. Ouch.) :-\

So what happens if
I decide not to guess?
Will the game keep on going?
That’s what I’d like best.

Let’s review the facts
The ones I recall:
You’re a guy from Memphis.
Is that it? Is that all?

Your birthday likely
Is between 04 and 08
Though sometimes the snow
Falls early or late.
(Nothing rhymes with August. Or April.)

Fourteen local schools
Are named after trees
Nine include “Oak” –
This isn’t a breeze!

I assume that I know you
Or it would be futile
To tell me your birthday
And your former school.
(Think hard: Do I even know these things about you?)
Oh ... one more thing. I know you think I got the Graceland clue too quickly, but I was racing the clock before the NCAA tournament. Racing the clock. Basketball. That's kind of funny. Anyway, the NCAA reference also likely means you like basketball. In any case, I haven't gotten any further than I was a few weeks ago. I just can't think of anyone who fits the bill.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you dont guess
we continue on course
with the same schedule
until we have killed this horse

you've gotten the clues right
that are in reference to me
I'm sorry there are 9 schools
named after a tree

my clues will eventually
become more revealing, I swear
but just like you i prefer
a slow journey to there

you suspect frustration
but i promise i'm not
i just want to make sure
you're enjoying this a lot!

3:37 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    To E (A: Graceland!)
    Goodbye, winter ...
    Proud Mary keep on burning
    Hair, photos, kite
    Good news
    Already, my bracket takes a hit
    Dribbling over the brackets
    To E (A: Lil' John's Animall)
    Summer sing-alongs
    You da man, E ...