Thursday, April 23, 2009

Note: I'm not the only telephobe (is that the right word?)

Happy middle of the night! Ambien wore off, I had to pee ... and I was looking for a pretty important e-mail (which I did not have, if you were interested. And you weren't.), So I finished a book about bipolar disorder -- and, honest to god, there was a whole chapter about not answering the phone. I am not alone. A whole chapter. On not answering the phone. I should print a copy out for my friends and my mother and ... well, just about everyone who's ever tried to call me, ever.

Progress feels good. This is (ahem! I sound very educated, no?) a cycle or a mixed state, which soon will be followed by depression, probably for a few months. In the meantime, I'm going to try to mix it up a little (no pun intended) by splitting my time between CNBC and cartoons. And I'm going to do a little house cleaning and packing because we move in a week. And basically, I'm going to live my life as if it's all going to be OK. Because it is. ^_^;

Ooh. That Xanax is kicking in. I'm allowed to "save up" and take several at a time, which is precisely what I did. Hits ya like a brick in the head, it does.

So last thing on my list of stuff to mention today ... and I can't even really get into it yet ... and then more important things will be on our minds, what with the impending move and all. But I'm thinking about reactivating my City of Heroes account because it looks like Champions Online is going to be in beta forever. Theoretically, I could play CoH with (some of) my old buddies or meet people Paul knows and make new friends that way. I won't burden you with the list of pros and cons, other than to say I'm shy and it's hard for me to meet people, so once I connect with someone online (via blog, XBL, MMO, AIM ...), it's not easy to turn them loose. :-)

Okay, Xanax. Now. My post tomorrow will have no content whatsoever because Drew says I talk too much. And he doesn't like my taste in music. And he tells stupid jokes and can sometimes be a butthole. Good thing Paul and I think the world of him. Doesn't matter; this post is too long and he won't read it anyway.


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