Thursday, April 09, 2009

Kiss my assets

I love CNBC. When I'm in charge of the remote control -- and that's all day here in the Land of Unemployment (it's OK, Michigan, at least you're No. 1 at something) -- my TV tunes to two things: cartoons (channels 295-301) and financial news (355). If I'm in my car, I listen to CNBC on XM ... especially if Erin Burnett is on. I have a girl-crush on her.

I do a good job keeping up with financial news. That's my background, so I really do care about things like employment and mark-to-market and TARP funds. Oh, and Bernie Madoff. I spent more time following the Bernie Madoff story than Nancy Grace spent on Natalie Holloway and Caylee Anthony combined. (Missing white women, ahoy!)

Problem with CNBC is that it makes me feel so inadequate. I know I'll never be Warren Buffet. I'm over that. But when I watch shows such as On the Money, I realize I'm really, really far behind. One caller tonight has invested assets totaling about $300,000 in savings/inheritance money. She has lost about $100,000 of that in this market. Now she's wondering whether she should buy a house with mortgage rates at their current level.

She's 28.

I'm 28.

I don't have $300,000 in investable assets. I don't even have a job. I just have an expensive little apartment in an expensive little town, and a professor husband whose salary doesn't begin to cover the student loans he took out over the past five years. (Or the expensive apartment. Or the cost of living in the expensive town.)

But honestly, I can't complain too much. I just found out half an hour ago that my 401K lost about $3,500 last year -- a blow, yes, but nothing akin to losing $100,000 because someone can't pick stocks worth a damn. We pulled our (dwindling) assets out of the market last year. I guess one of the few benefits of being broke is that I don't have to worry too much about cost/benefit analysis.

If you don't gamble, you can't lose.


Anonymous Paul said...

I only pulled out of the stock market because all i had directly invested was time warner. I lost like 85% of the invested value on that stock. Woops. Which is why I let pro's pick my retirement.

Talk about nice timing though. I started my 401K in a down market. Hell yeah. I feel bad for the people who lost most of their retirement though. I mean, you were 2-3 years from retiring last summer - well probably not now.

Unfortunately, that is also going to hurt the new college graduates who are relying on all those boomers to actually start retiring are going to be locked out even longer from the job market.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Morning Star said...

Kate~ what happened to ur job??

*sorry, a bit behind here*

7:52 AM  

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