Sunday, March 16, 2008

You da man, E ...

'Nuff said. ^_^

So, it's 2 p.m. on Sunday. I think I'm headed down to the river for some Kate-time.

I took Mattie to Tom Lee Park last week. Of course, he's been there before -- the first time he was in Memphis -- and got a decent history lesson from the down-on-their-luck historians who give the insider's tour for a fifth of cheap vodka. But we went last week anyway, for my benefit. "The view's not that great," he told me (and he's right). "That's not the point," I replied. I think he understood, but I can't be sure. Then I cried and talked about leaving everything behind. And, quite finished, we got in the car and drove home.

Matt's gone with me too. I cried then, as well. I guess it's where I go to vent and resent.

There are incredible benefits to Paul and me working in our own, separate little worlds right now. It's a great time for introspection and for listening to what I'm telling myself. I guess all that sounds more dramatic than I intend it to be. That's okay; the blog is just one more way for me to remember This Here Now ... you know, in case I ever wonder why things are the way they are (or were the way they were).

And, incidentally, that brings me back to you, E (though that wasn't my intent). Knowing who you are -- especially if I know you in real life -- means one more loss. Is that silly? I feel silly. But kind of sad, too. Okay, I've got to get out of the house before I get lost in my head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very good
mail um, male indeed
you play hard
and like to succeed

so let's ramp this up a bit
turn up the heat
there's so many places to see
before the burning memphis heat

and here we go:

a rapper;
likes to say YEAH
and a store for dogs
who have matted hair

only in M-town

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good news
about you moving away
where ever you go
we can still play

be a fun way
to learn ur new town
as u and paul
begin to burn it down

7:38 PM  

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