Saturday, March 01, 2008

Shh ... Mattie's sleeping

I've never had a pic of Mattie before -- he hates pictures. But he fell asleep in the recliner and I took my chance. Shh, don't tell him. And don't wake him up either. Why won't he just go to bed? Boys are silly.

The drive to Indiana wasn't bad, except there's no real direct route there so I had to use smaller, divided highways. To top that, the GPS decided I needed the extremely scenic tour of West Tennessee, so I hit the Main Street of a half-dozen small towns between Memphis and the Kentucky border. To pass the time, I listened to CNBC and the iPod, but I was glad to have a passenger to keep me awake on the way home. Mattie and I talked a lot and listened to his iPod. He has a much more eclectic selection than I do -- like Top 40 hits from the 1940s.

God, it's good to have him back. Now I don't know why I was so worried. It's the same way with Carrie -- even if it's been two years, it's like no time has passed at all. We pick up where we left off, and there's something both comforting and comfortable about that.

Right as rain.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Awwww. Tell him I said hi.

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pink Palace was right
kudos to you
check back here monday
for your next poetic clue

get this one right
more about me you'll learn
but make one mistake
and your momentum will burn

6:36 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Mattie has great hair.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The walls are lined
with famous peeps
the kind that act
and sing and speak

the bar is small
the music's old
the street is busy
the sauce is bold

the time is right
as the sun goes down
to visit with those
from out of town

so loosen your belt
and have a seat
this place doesn't whistle
and it's not the place to "meet".

it's more in the middle
and not downtown
just to avoid confusion
there's more than one around...

4:02 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    To E... (A: Pink Palace)
    Dreams, Ted Kennedy, and Indiana
    How Paul briefly lost his job
    Monday morning miscellany (yawn)
    Floating away
    But we still love 'em
    Graceland goes Tiger Blue
    Photo hunt, part deux: The Bellevue crosses
    To E ...
    Well, not quite finished