Friday, January 18, 2008

The word of the day is ...

Charleston. As in South Carolina. As in that's where I'm moving. In six months.

Before chiding me for not posting, realize that I have had a very tumultuous couple of weeks. Paul was offered and has taken a job as an associate professor of analytical chemistry at The Citadel. (See the ring below? Fancy-schmancy. I think I need one. :grin:) From henceforth, he shall be known as Captain Paul Simone of the Unorganized Militia of South Carolina. Such an interesting title. I guess it's just Captain Simone to his students?

The whole situation is exciting ... and scary. I'm happy and I think it'll be a good experience, but right now, all I can think of is how six months is really no time at all. I guess that sounds a little bit like I'm dying, and obviously I don't feel that way. So let me start this over. ...

I've started a list of things to do before I leave Memphis. I want to watch the sunset from the riverbluff. Visit Ya Ya and Le Le before they go back to China. Eat fried bologna sandwiches from Interstate BBQ. (De, man, you're missing out. Those things rock.) I want to see the Tigers play in the Final Four. I think I even finally want to visit Graceland. (Yes, I'm a native Memphian. No, I've never been.)

Two and a half years ago, I wrote how I just wanted to once again lay under the stars at Old Poplar and watch the Leonids race and erase across the sky, tumbling in and out of view. And now I feel that way about everything. I've made it a mantra to enjoy every moment -- every time I'm out with friends, every conversation -- because things will never be exactly the same way again. I'll never write this same post again. You'll never read it for the first time again.

I am very, very excited for Paul. And myself, too, I guess. But I don't know where we'll live or what I'll be doing. And I'm just not ready to let here go yet.

But that's all part of the deal. For things to never be exactly the same way again, they have to keep changing. Like now.

So, Charleston, here I come.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Oh wow, Kate! Enjoy your time, and good luck with packing. Maybe you'll find a few more boxes of clothes you forgot about on the way, eh?

I've missed your writing, and I hope to see more posts soon :)

4:07 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I don't know much about Charleston, but I hear that it is pretty. And 4 hours is sure alot less driving time than 14...

9:53 PM  
Blogger De said...

Captain Simone? Does he get his own starship?

12:56 PM  

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