Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Drag-king mummy

NPR has an interesting article about a mummy believed to be Egypt's most powerful female pharoah, Hatshepsup.

Poor Hattie was afraid that she'd lose the regency because she was a woman, so she petitioned and obtained legal authority to rule as king. Then she started doing the drag king thing, complete with fake beard. I wonder if she looked like young Marlon Brando, Egyptian-style.

Anyway, the whole man thing apparently worked out for her, because she's regarded as one of the greatest rulers of her time, at least according to NPR.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder if she went by pharoah hatshep so no one would guess the dude was a lady, YEAH! YEAH!

8:21 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

NPR went back in time and conducted a poll of Egytpians. Hatshepsup received a 57% approval rating, with 34% "very sure" that Ra has blessed the pharoah, and 44% in favor of using tax money and slave labor to build more pyramids.

(margin of error +/- 3%)

(Slaves were excluded from the poll)

10:19 AM  

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