Monday, June 18, 2007

"Every other celeb..."

I'd just like to clarify something about last night's post. I had a comment this afternoon from "anonymous" (not Paul) that said:
It's funny how you said:
"every other celebrity"
So are you implying that you, too, are a celeb? LOL!
I'll have you know that I am a celeb ... at least in my own mind. :)

No, I'm kidding. I actually redacted part of my post before it went live. After MyHeritage runs the facial recognition doodad, you're given a list of 10 celebs. Then you choose the ones you want to go on your widget.

They had the nerve to tell me I look like Larry King. Oh, and it's not just a passing resemblance thing. Oh, no -- I actually am a 68% match to his face.

My original post went something like this:
Dear MyHeritage: Thanks to your crackerjack software, I now know I'm as, err, ruggedly handsome as Larry King. Never mind that I have long pink bangs and he's balding. Or that he's grumpy-looking and I have a nice smile (if I do say so myself). We both (gasp!) wear black eyeglasses -- and that means we're obviously dead ringers. P.S. Apparently, I look like every other celebrity with big emo-ish glasses, too. @_@
I swear to god, heads are going to roll if any of you guys pipe up in defense of the facial recognition. Grr.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently your face is sunken in and very skull-like. OBVIOUSLY!

oh, and a big head, not that your post didn't belie that :v:

9:07 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Are you kidding me? Backing up My Heritage? Dude, they told me I look 88% like Vin Diesel.

You are way hotter than Larry.

12:42 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

It is damn good at recognizing glasses. If we could convince terrorists to wear those glasses, all our problems would be solved! And if a few emo bands get rounded up in the process, well, I'm cool with that too!

2:25 PM  

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