Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Why, I never!

Now that we've finished last-minute shopping and running to and fro to visit family, I can get back to blogging (I hope).

Paul and I went to my maternal grandmother's house on Christmas morning. Mom's stocking from Dad included a CD she wanted by trumpeter Chris Botti. We loaded the CD up, then went on to open gifts and eat breakfast. We're all sitting around the breakfast table, when Dad pipes up, "Do you like your Botti?" Everyone burst out laughing, leaving Dad looking bewildered. Mom finally stopped laughing long enough to say, "I guess, dear. It's the only one I've got." He assured us he meant B-O-T-T-I, not B-O-D-Y. Still, it's one of those conversations you don't want your parents to have in front of you. :-)


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Lol, nice.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Chance said...

That's funny. My aunt kept bugging me about going to a museum exhibit on the human body --- "the Body Exhibit" --- and pretending I thought she meant some renaissance Italian artist, I said I didn't care for Botti's overuse of chiaroscuro.

11:16 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Hello, is anyone out there? It's not like you to not post after this long.

10:43 PM  

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    La-La-La, Can't hear your stupid news
    Together again
    She's working undercover for The Man
    So...About that
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    (Insert number here) days left until Christmas
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