Kate 1, Death 0.
So, this morning, I was run off the road.
I'm okay (otherwise I wouldn't be posting this right now). I've even moved from the initial shock phase — calling Paul crying and screaming so hard that he couldn't understand what I was saying — into the more rational pissed-off phase.
I had just taken an on-ramp onto the interstate in a construction area. Two lanes go west in this area, and I was in the right lane. A semi came barrelling up next to me and, when his cab was about even with my Vue, started getting over into my lane. Quickly.

I slammed on my brakes — as did the person behind me, saving me from being rear-ended — and the semi just kept merging into my lane.
My choices were to be crushed on the driver's side by his trailer or drive into a retaining wall. I drove into the wall. I didn't even have time to honk my horn.
I know the guy would have seen me if he'd been paying attention because he drove up next to me from behind. If that weren't enough, I was able to see his mirrors, which means he should've been able to see me had he looked.
The car is mostly okay. I tore up the sidewall on the front right tire, and there are some scratches on the front right quarter panel. And I'm still very shaken up, mostly because I felt completely out of body during the whole experience. Like I wasn't even in control. I even remember hearing myself scream, "DON'T DIE," but it didn't sound like me. It didn't feel like me.
Save me the lecture, because I'm already kicking myself. I know I should've honked (I didn't have time to find the horn) and gotten his license plate number (I wasn't thinking clearly). I should've pulled over and caught my breath. I should've waved to the person who followed me into work with their flashers on to make sure I got there okay, then drove off when I pulled into my office's parking lot.
I'm just ... I guess I feel lucky to be alive. And I'm crying again.
At least I was able to take some of my frustration out by drawing an angry semi in MS-Paint. :)
::hugs:: don't worry about all the "I should have"s. You came out ok, and that is the most important. I can tell you from my own personal experience in car accidents (incidents?) that, upon seeing someone drive over on top of you (in my case, backing on top of you) you usually DON'T THINK. And in my case, I even laid on the horn...
...and the guy backed into me anyway. Furthermore, it ended up somehow being MY FAULT that he backed into me. Go figure.
So, anyway, don't get caught up in what you think you should have done. You did the number one best thing, and got off the road and kept yourself safe.
And I HATE semi trucks driving next to me...
...so this just confirms why.
Yeesh. Good to know you're okay, or some semblance thereof, Kate.
too bad..next time use a semi-automatic on a semi-truck..J/K
very glad ur okay!!! :):):)
Wow, Miss Kate! I'm glad you're okay and not dead. I agree with SGG, don't dwell on the I should have's. Feel lucky that you're ok and hey, if he drives like that all the time, he'll run himself off the road eventually.
yeah you did hte right thing
if it comes down to you or the vue. fuck the vue
Vent, cry and make art.
Yeah, you're OK and I'm so very glad for it.
It may not be PC, but THIS is why people being anti-semite
Thank you! I'll be here all week!
Wow. Kate, I'm glad you're okay. Some of those guys just figure "Biggest thing on the road = Fuck you, you look out for ME."
Your truck looks disappointed, as if it just realized who was going to be driving it (the nonsignalling twat).
Kate as a trucker myself (although still a greenhorn) I can tell you from what Ive seen, few and far between do you cross a truck driver not paying attention. Just because our rigs are big doesnt mean were safe, in fact because they are so big it makes them more of a danger. Dont worry if you ever cross my truck because my pet peeve is people who dont know what turn signals are for let alone those that dont know what a STOP sign means. Just dont think that all of us truckers are bad people K? Most of us will help you out if your stuck on the side. take care Deshra.
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