To my dearest hubby ...
Dear Paul,
I'm sorry I blamed you this morning for leaving the upstairs toilet running.

I suppose I would've figured it out for myself had I not stepped over his note scrawled on a paper towel, laying on the floor outside our bedroom door.
You know how much I like routine, how much safer I feel when I'm in control of the situation. And I think the universe tosses curveballs my way once in a while as a big ten-four that I can't be such an uptight, anal-retentive, Type A chick all the time.
Also, I think the universe is sending you a message that it's time to get the damn toilet fixed. But that's just my take on things.
With all my love,
Your dear wifey
P.S. What's with the pic? Can't you tell that it's Peep Paul being annoyed by back-seat driver Peep Kate because she doesn't recognize his obvious need for Peep speed?
man im cute.
also, i can definately see the lead foot on Peep Paul.
also, its not broken per se, it just sticks.
and last i heard, its roll with the flow.
A few comments:
1. What a NICE birthday present...all sarcasm fully intended. ::growls::
2. Peep Paul must be secure in his masculinity, since he is PINK. And man, he is HOT PINK.
3. The toliet is running because it feels lonely and unused...
Ugh, kicked out for good on his BIRTHDAY? I don't want to pass judgement since I know the whole story, but DAMN.
And, awww, the peep couple looks like they were made for each other in all of their pink marshmallowy cuteness.
When you toliet grow feet? It must have got feet if it am running!
Toliet at cave grow nose... because it am smelling!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
Me feel so bad for... what his name is. But, me also feel good for him for me know personally that life am better without really big bitch in it all of time.
Also... PEEPS?!?!?! YAHGH!! HO NO! PEEPS!!! YAAAAAAGH!!!! Peepspeepspeepspeepspeepspeespepessepeespsspseps...
::pant pant:: you people eat such things?
On his birthday. Damn, that's cold. Is it her house? I guess I'd leave if my wife kicked me out (It's not like we don't have other houses I could move into, right? (Sigh)) but my name is on the mortgage too, so there would be a fight coming.
Ugh, yuck. It's awful to think about. Hope your friend is okay.
Ah, the Fisher Price Loving Family minivan. My foot has met its baby blue exterior in the dead of night more times than I can remember.
Cora normally has Wolverine and Green Lantern in hers.
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