Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Showin' off the KEKEKE purse

From a post over at Something Awful:

Well, I figure it's high time to show off the purse I-9 made for me a few months ago. I requested a kekeke purse and she came through for me.


Anyway, I-9 has quick turnaround, great products, and she's super-cool to work with. Here's my kekeke purse (and my teddy bear):

So now she's taking on a much larger project for me: A gadget-girl bag to hold my SideKick, Palm Pilot, iPod, digital camera and GBA ... along with compartments for the cords/chargers/etc. ... And room for the 3Ms: Makeup, Meds and Magazines. As soon as we get kicking on that project, I'll post more details.
Seriously, guys, I don't know why I didn't think of I-9 before when I was looking for a gadget-girl bag. I-9 is also named Kate, she's a kickin' seamstress, and she's a goon to boot! If you need somebody to churn out some geekgirl or geekboy gear, she's your go-to girl. Let me know, and I'll hook you two up.


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