Saturday, June 25, 2005

Kate's Ink: The cute and fluffy version

Well, as you can see, KI has a new look. Here's why:

This morning, like every morning, I rolled over and grabbed the SideKick to check my overnight IMs and e-mails. I used to do that first thing after getting out of bed. Now, I do it before I get out of bed. At this rate, it won't be long before I'm checking my e-mail and IMs before I wake up.

Anyway, Carrie had left me an IM that said something like, "Woah! I went to your blog this morning and there was nothing there!" Hmm, nothing? For real? Bummer! I figured that at some point, I'd probably forgotten to close a tag or something, and I just needed to find out where I'd screwed up. So I got out of bed and walked upstairs(!), and started loading up my blog. Sure enough, it was a blank page. No error message, no 404, just a sea of white where my blog used to be.

Well, to make a long story slightly shorter, the problem wasn't on my end. Blogger had a broken pipe, and my blog was one of the ones that went AWOL during the outage. No biggie, but I figured since I already had my fingers in the template, I might as well overhaul the design. Goodbye, Harbor. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

Once upon a time, this started as a template from BlogSkins. It didn't stay that way. In fact, all that's left of the original design is the bear. I squeezed out the last few drops of CSS knowledge I'd picked up in my college days and used it to tweak the size of the boxes, font size and color, the way links were handled, etc. I replaced old, tired Verdana with my own handwriting for the headers on the top and in the sidebar. I made everything light blue. ^_^ Oh, and I added a little KI icon next to linked titles (like the title of this post).

Now, I've been playing around with this far too long, and I've tried to fix all the broken links, etc. But if something isn't showing up, is showing up wonky, or could be improved in some way, let me know.

Oh, and I don't want any crap about how cute it is, because, dude, I happen to have a very cute and fluffy side. And a ton of teddy bears, like my buddy, Big Brown Bear. But I'll have you know that the cute and fluffy bear template barely edged out the cute and fluffy death template seen here. Peace and love, guyzos (and Carrie). ^_^


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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

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