Monday, June 20, 2005

Hittin' the Big Time

Okay, there's a real post bottled up inside of me, so expect that later tonight.

But, dude, I just had to share the e-mail that buzzed my way:
Hi, my name is Alex LeMaine, an intern with The Commercial Appeal. I'm doing a story about how blogging has replaced previous types of venting and expressing thoughts, such as the phone or actual physical journals.

You being a journalist, I figured you would have some good insight. If you're interesting you can get back to me. I suppose this is a chance for me to plug my own blog; Thanks.
Alex, buddy, I'd be more than willing to talk to you about my blog -- most likely off the record -- but I'd give you some rockin' local sources to hit up. Why off the record? Because, dude, I interned there in '01 ... and I'm fairly certain I've posted a few choice words about my time there. Like how it colored my final memories of "real life" and "real emotion" before I was relegated to heavy prescriptions to get my head on straight. Regular readers: You know this as the Summer From Hell.

But the real reason I posted Alex's letter is this sentence: If you're interesting you can get back to me.

I don't know guys ... am I interesting enough to get back to him? ::grins:: Talk amongst yourselves.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Yes, you are interesting! Girl, I'm internet-slapping you!

You rock!

6:33 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

gah, don't you know the answer to that?!? *looks innocent*

7:55 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

The strange thing is he could have very well meant to say interesting, seeing how he's writing a story. Interesting subjects are always the best. Interested subjects are usually the worst! Those most willing to talk to the media often have the least to say. ;-) But yeah, you're interesting...

9:10 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Why for this Alex LeMaine not contact Monstee as well?!?!?

You and interesting, but me am fucking AMAZING!

...not that me am saying me am more interesting then you...
me guess me no drink me weight in tea, grow me own pot fields and own stuffed animal that am evil incarnate, but me am still interesting too!

hmmmm... maybe we am too interesting for him. You talk to him! Me want to hear if/how you include Monstee in you rockin' local sources!

2:58 AM  

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