P365 Day 96: Feel the burn
We didn't spend long at the beach yesterday. An hour, tops, from the time we walked from our car to the beach and back. And this is what happened to poor Paul. The front of his legs and arms took a beating, and he has a slight raccoon-eyed look from his sunglasses (but don't mention it to his freckled face). All from this, having forgotten his SPF 1,000 sunblock.
I'm fortunate to be genetically olive-skinned, so an hour in the sun leads to a slight pink that darkens into a light tan. And then, like yesterday, I get to go to the store and buy makeup one shade darker — meaning one shade darker than super-pale. Problem with us is we don't go out enough. The Beatles tanned in the English rain; we tan by fluorescent bulbs and computer monitors.
Years later when you look back on P365, Paul will appreciate the photo evidence of just how red his knobby knees can get. :) :P
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