Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Windows down, music up

Today was a beautiful day: sunny and 79, which made it the perfect time for Kate's First Warm Day Ritual. On the first warm day of the year, I roll down the windows and crank up some Rob Zombie at a level that makes my car vibrate and annoys other drivers.

Cut me some slack. I only do this on one afternoon once a year.

Why Rob Zombie? I dunno. It's just always been that way. I associate "Dragula" with my first spring drive just as much as I associate "Black Hole Sun" with the first day of summer. (I didn't say it was rational.) This time two years ago, I was on the way home from work, stuck in traffic on I-40. This time last year, I was driving to the university to have dinner with Paul.

When I got home from my drive tonight, I walked to the pier and looked out on Shem Creek. I snapped some photos and marveled at how much can change in a year and how we hold on to those things that carry us from here to there. I have no idea what's going to happen between now and the first warm day of 2010, but I know what I'll be doing that day. You can count on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your cute bear JUST FREAKED ME OUT when it all of a sudden started moving, ROTFLOL.

Greetings from Shem Creek!

4:44 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Chucktown, represent!

(Also, thanks to Monstee for the animated Patches. She's a darlin', isn't she? Big shout-out to Monstee, wherever he may be.)

8:39 PM  

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