Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy National Licorice Day!

What? Two posts from me in one day? Impossible!

No, actually, I forgot to mention that today, April 12, is National Licorice Day. At least that's the word from the folks at Licorice International, who sent a lovely postcard to the office. Journalists get the strangest mail. :D

History lesson: Licorice is a root, specifically the root of a weed. Licorice candy originated in 17th century Holland. And most "licorice" treats in the United States aren't authentic -- they're flavored with anise instead of licorice root.

I poked through the kitchen for some licorice, but came up empty-handed. Sorry, National Licorice Day folks. I'll have to postpone my celebration.

But, hey, Mom and Dad gave Paul and me some Peeps for Easter. I'll eat a few of those and pretend its National Neon-Colored Sugar-Coated Marshmallow Day. There's a holiday I could really get behind.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

How I wish I had celebrated Licorice Day...I'll take the make-up test.

11:31 AM  

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