Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cryptic voicemail, et al.


So, the nurse left me a voice mail at 5:30 p.m. Something to this effect: "The thing you're worried about, you don't have that. But a couple of things were low, so you have a couple of other serious things, and I need you to call me first thing in the morning with a pharmacy phone number."

Oh, cryptic HIPAA, you're such a card!

At least most of the worrying is over. Although, I admit it wasn't half bad spending the weekend doing fun things to get my brain off all things medical. Saturday, I went to The Sanctuary for some fresh lemongrass and uva ursi, and ended up getting the most fabulous de-stress massage from a guy named Steve. Fab fab fab.

Paul and I spent Sunday noshing on delish Asian and watching Cranbeary and Ya Ya play at the zoo. ^_^

Going back to work was a drag after a weekend like that, but at least I've got some good news to buoy me until I get back to the doctor Thursday afternoon.

Oh! And much happiness! NCIS returns with Gibbs in tow. <3


Blogger smacky said...

Yay! Great news, Kate. And Damn! Could those folks be more cryptic? I suppose it could have been worse. They could have left a voicemail like this:


7:37 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

And Joe definitely appears to be saying "Look, I'm just not that into you, okay?"

10:42 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Aw, Joe's playing hard to get.

6:00 PM  

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