Monday, May 01, 2006

Itching to see live music

Good: Fred's getting spayed and vaccinated this weekend, barring the small chance that she's already pregnant. Cross your fingers that she didn't get knocked up by Karl Marx, because I know I don't need any kitty-babies at my house.

Bad: Because Fred will need a post-spay babysitter, I will be missing the Cake concert Saturday. It's a little bit frustrating, because various responsibilities have kept me from three Cake concerts in the past year. It's kind of like the elusive Tori concert or Ani concert or Ben Folds concert I'll never get to see because I'm too busy. (Ben Folds lives a mere three hours away from here, and I still haven't seen him live.) ::frowns::

Related Good: The Over the Hedge movie soundtrack comes out soon, and it has five new Ben Folds songs, including a tamed-down version of "Rockin' the Suburbs" featuring William Shatner. (How do you tame down a song like that?)

Good: I'm set to see the premiere of the Billy Joel concerto based on Fantasies and Delusions at the Eastern Music Festival June 24 in Greensboro, N.C. Tickets just went on sale, so I need to snag a couple while good seats are still available.

Bad: Paul can't go. But Paul told me to snag Jeremy to come along instead, and Jeremy said he'd take a day or two off from work so we can go. (It's a 10.5-hour drive, so I don't want to cram it into one incredibly long day.) The bonus is that Jeremy's a Billy Joel fan, too, so he'll probably enjoy it more than Paul would anyway.

And in other news... Paul taught me how to use the lawn edger yesterday, but didn't warn me that I'd be so darn sore. Also, I discovered I'm really really sucky at edging — I can't draw a straight line to save my life. God forbid I ever be asked to take that walk-the-line sobriety test...


Blogger smacky said...

What's the latest with Britney "It's my cat" Spears?

7:06 AM  

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