Sunday, March 12, 2006

And thus we discover I'm not well-suited for the single life

Paul left at 4 a.m. for Orlando. It's always a rough ride with him gone. I tend to hole up in the house after work, watching cartoons and eating expired pasta. I've been told I need to take better care of myself when he's gone. Assuming that involves activities outside my front door, where should I go and what should I do?


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Go buy Dr. Pepper and coffee, cause I'm coming in 6 days. :)

10:28 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Go to store and buy you some NEW pasta!

Haha! As for you taking better care for youself... go rock climbing! Join polar bear club and go swimming! Take up smoking and quit! Jog! Yoga! "Adult" yoga. Learn belly dancing! Get a bike and ride around telling people you in tour de France! Visit a dairy and learn how milk am prepared. Check out good book at you local public library. We am going to tell that you letting cat into house! Flirt with butcher and try to get free samples! Go to multiplex, walk into each theater one at a time, sit in front row, count to 10, stand up and yell "NOT THIS AGAIN!", then storm out on you way to next theater! Join a gym! Take a Raw Veggies cooking class! See how many public restrooms you can get away with masturbating in! Find a drive in movie and show up pushing you car, tell them you want to see movie SO much that you am saving you money and not buying gas! Walk around college campus with big sign that says "Get out of Myrack!" Try out at strip club, if they turn you down, sue for sexual harassment! Go to strip club and get lapdance. Get bunch of helium balloons, tie on plastic baggy with self addressed stamped envelope and letter telling who ever finds balloons to write you a letter about how & where they found bunch of balloons and have them mail it to you! Go to bar and get drunk and try to start fight club. First rule of fight club am that you NO talk about fight club! Second rule of fight club am that you no TALK about fight club!

2:15 AM  
Blogger De said...

Check out a used book store. That's what I tend to do when Em leaves on a trip.

7:45 AM  
Blogger Chance said...

monstee's got some damn good advice there.

3:36 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Outside is overrated!

4:27 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    The grand ol' party outside my door
    Here kitty, kitty...
    It's HER Big Break
    And I worry I'll end up just like him...
    Space-time, screensavers, and scarabs
    You know it's true...
    The latest buzz
    And all she wants to do is dance...
    Thoughts on the Revolution